Mark’s in-app video library tripled seoClarity’s training and enablement views

Mark Traphagen
VP of Product Marketing & Training

The Challenge:

seoClarity wanted to provide self-serve support to its thousands of users, allowing them to find how-to resources within the product and resolve queries without relying on the support team.

Clients previously had to contact support directly, leading to delays in engagement. The team knew that short videos could resolve these queries. But discoverability was still an issue—users were reluctant to leave the app and view external video content.

The Solution:

Mark, VP of Product Marketing & Training, launched an in-app Workflow Video Library containing quick how-to enablement videos. This product-led initiative empowered users to find key resources that resolve queries without leaving the app—and without intervention from the Customer Support team. 

Candu enabled Mark and the team to provide support resources to users where they needed them the most: within the product. After launching, seoClarity has seen average video views triple proving that bringing content in-app significantly improves discoverability.

Mark and the team can now instantly add and update new videos to rapidly accommodate the changing platform and ensure the library is always accurate and up-to-date, without the help of developers.


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